> I love it when I see my little friends pretending to be teachers. Kynley checking out the Indian Corn we popped in the microwave.
Audrey found a new use for the plant that Clara gave us. She was taking little animals and pretending they were in a jungle. Very clever…
Our art portfolio’s are getting a little full.
Today we added feathers to our Indian vest. Assessments can sometimes we done this way. Look how Rosanna sorted out all white feathers to go on hers. We dont need worksheets! We LEARN THROUGH PLAY! 🙂
Today we talked about Pilgrims and how that starts with the letter P like pig and purple. We read the book ” One Little Two Little Three Little Pilgrims”. We took one page and distinguished who was pilgrims and who was Indians. After we mastered that I pointed at individuals on the page and they said the sounds for I and P accordingly. You could see their little brains working over time trying to do that.
We are getting ready for our big feast Wednesday. Remember… show up at the community building at 11:00 .Our plan is to start walking the kids down there at 10:30. There are some moms that have volunteered to already be down there getting ready, if you would like to help, please let me know. On the sign in sheet today and tomorrow you will have the opportunity to tell me how many to plan for and what dish you would like to bring. After eating everyone can go home and start celebrating with families.
I am a little nervous. Tonight I am hosting the Arkansas Family Child Care Associations first online training. It is in a server that allows the participants to see and hear me, I can share power points , documents and web sites. YIKES….. say a little prayer at 7 tonight that all goes well. 🙂
November 17, 2009
I can't believe I missed the blog comment drama! Black, white, Indian, Asian, Hispanic, Spanish, honestly there are so many terms today that I'm never sure which one is the most politically correct or not. I think we've come full swing that African American is more offensive than Black nowdays? I think it just depends. I can't believe someone got onto you for saying Indian. Anyway, regardless of the politically correct term today, in yesteryear, when there were Pilgrims and Indians, that's what they were called. No harm done, Mrs Debbie.
Ms. Debbie, I missed the drama too, but honestly, I try to stay out of that kind of stuff anyway, but you hold your head high, you teach your group the way that you are led to teach, and enjoy the accomplishments you achieve in your daily job!
I don't see a problem in referring to them as Indian instead of Native American. Without any racism, especially since I am married to an Indian, they don't refer to me as caucasion but as "The White Girl." I don't think you did anything wrong, Ms Debbie! As a matter of fact, Danny and I teach our kids that they are Indian, and not Native American.. It doesn't make that big of a difference to us.. Maybe coming from Danny, since he is almost full blooded Cherokee that gives him the right to call the race Indian instead of native american, but not the rest of us.. This is why I could never be racist, lol.. I just don't get how what is right for one person to call someone isnt right for another person. I wonder if Mrs Anonymous seen us in the grocery store and heard the kids sayin "I'm Indian" if there would be so much controversy?? Just my thought for the day. 😀 I love what you are doing with our son. You guys are the greatest. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I wish Danielle had had the chance to be with you, and can't wait for Michael to start school. I love the headdresses, and the colored turkeys, too! They are so cute! Been thinking about doing something like that here for dinner at church on Sunday. I think it would be cute for them to wear it!!
I can't believe I missed the blog comment drama! Black, white, Indian, Asian, Hispanic, Spanish, honestly there are so many terms today that I'm never sure which one is the most politically correct or not. I think we've come full swing that African American is more offensive than Black nowdays? I think it just depends. I can't believe someone got onto you for saying Indian. Anyway, regardless of the politically correct term today, in yesteryear, when there were Pilgrims and Indians, that's what they were called. No harm done, Mrs Debbie.
Oh my! Missed the blog drama.
Ok Ellen, that was funny…
Ms. Debbie, I missed the drama too, but honestly, I try to stay out of that kind of stuff anyway, but you hold your head high, you teach your group the way that you are led to teach, and enjoy the accomplishments you achieve in your daily job!
I don't see a problem in referring to them as Indian instead of Native American. Without any racism, especially since I am married to an Indian, they don't refer to me as caucasion but as "The White Girl." I don't think you did anything wrong, Ms Debbie! As a matter of fact, Danny and I teach our kids that they are Indian, and not Native American.. It doesn't make that big of a difference to us.. Maybe coming from Danny, since he is almost full blooded Cherokee that gives him the right to call the race Indian instead of native american, but not the rest of us.. This is why I could never be racist, lol.. I just don't get how what is right for one person to call someone isnt right for another person. I wonder if Mrs Anonymous seen us in the grocery store and heard the kids sayin "I'm Indian" if there would be so much controversy?? Just my thought for the day. 😀 I love what you are doing with our son. You guys are the greatest. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I wish Danielle had had the chance to be with you, and can't wait for Michael to start school. I love the headdresses, and the colored turkeys, too! They are so cute! Been thinking about doing something like that here for dinner at church on Sunday. I think it would be cute for them to wear it!!