We read the book ” Bear Gets Scared ” on the porch this morning. In the book a storm is coming and bear gets scared. HIs friends are looking for them. Each time it said ” bear gets scared ” we talked about what he could do to calm down . Each time we chose a different calm down technique.We also read ” Goldilocks and the Three Bears ” outside before going in.Then the boys did bear crawls into the house.The girls ran and squealed like Goldilocks.We built a bear cave for sleeping .Is this Goldilocks I see ?Just a little math fun with our counting bears . How can we put these bears in families ? How can we sort them ?Parker is being an overachiever . She made a pattern with her blue bears .Even more math that happened without prompting. Can you tell they are in groups of four ?He said ” I need two more. “Its that time of year. I hate doing tornado drills. Unlike fire drills for some reason these scare the kids . 🙁 I know its helpful but man….