This week we are talking about pumpkins and the letter P .
What better way to celebrate the letter P than go to the PARK !
It was our first trip there as a group and this group did really well.
Some rules we follow to keep us safe.
We walk as PARTNERS ! ( another P word ! )
We walk in a sandwich. Mr Randy and Ms Debbie are the bread and the kids are the peanut butter that stays in the middle.
When a car passes us we FREEZE.
When we get to the park we all stay in the blue ring.
We dont walk UP the slide , only slide down.
Rules keep us safe.
This group plays so different than any other group we have had. They were SO QUIET at the PARK !
On our way home we watched the big machines working on building the new bridge.
We saw ducks .
We saw the fire station.
We walked UP the BIG hill on Mount Olive and learned to keep safe we put one hand on the bridge and leave it there.
I am SUPER PROUD of these kiddos , it was a good day.
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