Today in small groups we did a ” weekly reader” ( an old one I had – see hoarding DOES work out at times…) on ladybugs ! We learned that there are four stages in the life of a ladybug. We also learned that ladybugs come in different colors !
In circle time we read ” Ten Little Ladybugs.” Did you know these guys can count up to 50 now ?
There was fun everywhere !
Teachers Appreciation Week has been amazing ! Thanks to whoever is bringing in all the goodies! Very Very sweet !
Orange slices are my favorite . I shared them at breakfast. Oranges for breakfast ! YES PLEASE !
I love the way you busy are leaving notes for me and others on the journal . Such a sweet preschool family we have at Bright Beginnings.
Ms Melissa came in to let Randy and I enjoy Geneviette’s award ceremony ! Thanks Melissa! Sometimes it is hard to make sure while you are being super teacher you don’t forget those closest to you… We are still moms, dads, grandparents etc….
One Comment
Marcella Grammer
May 9, 2012
Thank you so much for all that you do. We love you.
Thank you so much for all that you do. We love you.