Our day started off with a little mischief as the littles noticed things that rascally leprechaun did last night in their rooms. He changed some of the cubbies around !
While the Leprechaun gold was being safely tucked away Mr Randy told a story.
Our first stop was the Library. I guess the leprechaun likes to read.
Then our clue sent us to where they sell flowers ….
Our next clue sent us to Creative Corner. ( Ya know… you live in a great town when you can shove a green shamrock under a store keepers door when they are closed and they know who it is from and what you need without even calling ! ) Thanks Julie !
Our next stop was Cafe on Broadway for a clue and some cookies !
We even saw some people we know there ! !
Money…. one of our clues said the Leprechaun needed case so we came to the bank. He had ran away !
Im gonna use this picture one day…. 🙂 Ill fill you in later
Then we went to a place where the ladies dye beards. That’s important for a leprechaun you know.
We picked up another clue where one of my former preschoolers works. She also happens to be my hairdresser. MAYBE Spring Break will give me time to stop in and see her !
We found the leprechauns gold !!
It was a good day . We made memories. Also, for the record if you walk 16 littles for 1.5 miles around town chasing an illusive leprechaun most likely they will all sleep well at nap time. 🙂