I think the thing we most forget about children is that they don’t know a skill until they experience it or it is taught to them.
There is an old saying that you don’t know what you don’t know. But when you do know- do better. So when they do something that is less than desirable is our job to see that as a teaching moment and teach them what it was successfully look like.
Example : The children have been coming to the kitchen and throwing their cups in the sink. The acrylic up against the stainless steel sink is breaking many of our cups. We’ve said stop 🛑 . We said “put them in there gently.” We have grabbed them before they hit the sink . But what we haven’t done is teach them. So today we talked about all of the cups breaking and what could be done to keep that from happening. The children thought perhaps placing them in the sink instead of throwing them might work 🤷🏻♀️😳🤣 So we got a basket and each of us practiced placing our cups gently in the basket as though it was the sink. I do believe it 100% success rate.
Savanna : 📷
We have a lot of new colored tape in our art area. It’s been a little frustrating to me as I watched children just wad it up or put it on their bodies. I know that’s just an expression of art but it’s not the intended purpose. And I ever showed him the intended purpose? No. 🥺 So today we all worked with paper and tape and created art. We talked about how to get the ends unstuck and how to bend the tape behind the paper.
We talked about how we have to be Careful because if we use it wastefully we won’t have it to make beautiful are
Again – 💯 success.
Some side benefits of that little project was all of the fine motor practice we were getting in pulling tape and cutting tape
Something I wanna do a little studying on. I’ve always noticed that three-year-olds to color with one color. If you put a paper in front of them generally they choose their favorite color and cover the page with it. Today the three-year-old boys covered their paper with one color 
I’m sure there’s some type of developmental standard or philosophy that explains this. I’m going to look for it. I’m intrigued. …. never stop learning.