I don’t usually get too anxious weather events for some reason today I am feeling the need to be extra cautious. We had a quick tornado drill this morning so it is fresh in our minds what needs to happen if needed. We are also sleeping with our shoes on. Weird. I have never done that. But, you know how you get those uneasy feelings as a mom that you should pay more attention and be more aware. That’s how I feel today.
We had excitement this morning Khoe’s stepdad works for the city unexpectedly brought gravel to fill in those gargantuan holes we have all been hitting on our way out. The children enjoyed watching the process.
Later, I noticed children filling and dumping just like the city workers do. Thank you city of Siloam and thank you Khloe’s stepdad.
We continued work with the hot glue gun today. They love it but it’s a slow process and requires constant supervision.