We made it to the end of the week. I thought I heard the hallelujah chorus at 11:30 . No, I am totally kidding .This week has been great. Randy , Dallas and I were talking that unless we are being tricked this is a fantastic group of littles. If the rest of the year is like the last three days we are going to have a great year !
After three days of practicing the routine of what happens when we walk in the door in the morning I think the littles have it down quite good. We walk in while mom is signing in we get a greeting from the teacher, we find our name and answer the question of the day with the teacher , sit down on the carpet and take our shoes off ( Put socks on if we arent wearing any ) and go wash our hands. This summer I bought little hand wash timers and they have really helped out a lot. The kids get water on their hands, then soap, then push the ” little hand” button and it starts flashing green. While it is flashing green they lather the soap ( without sticking it under the running water .) The light gets faster and that signals that time is almost up . ( 20 seconds .) When twenty seconds is up the light turns red and they rinse and dry. playroom. We will see how well Monday goes.
For small groups today I introduced the block center, the art center and the easel. The children have already been playing in these areas but today we took the time to slow down and really talk about the good things that happen in there. So many times we just expect for kids to know the rules but never tell them.
In the block center we talked about the things we can build. Some suggestions the kids had were Walmart, a castle ,a house and a farm. We have animals and people to pretend with in that area also. There are many different kinds of blocks. There are wooden blocks, large cardboard blocks and interconnecting blocks. We talked about how the block center has a rug to build on and if too many people are there , it can be too crowded and structures will fall.
Cognitive/Intellectual Learning
þ Demonstrates an interest in using writing for a purpose
þ Demonstrates the ability to order and sequence
þ Shows understanding of awareness of objects in space
þ Uses words to describe the characteristics of objects
þ Makes comparisons
þ Finds more than one solution to a problem
þ Shows awareness of the roles people play in society
Social/Emotional Development
þ Demonstrates ability to make choices
þ Uses planning in approaching a task or activity
þ Works cooperatively with others on completing a task
þ Uses compromise and discussion to resolve conflicts
Creative/Aesthetic Learning
þ Shows creativity and imagination in play with materials and props
Physical Development
þ Shows balance and coordination
þ Uses words to communicate ideas and feelings
þ Uses language to problem solve
We also visited the art center as a group. We learned what we CAN cut. Do we cut hair with school scissors ? No… Do we cut clothes with school scissors? No… Do we point scissors at friends ? What could happen if we do ? Scissors are out all the time in the art center. We talked about glue. I demonstrated DOTS of glue and how we use glue to adhere things together . We talked about markets and how important it is to put them back on their caps. ( The caps are in the marker stand. ) Some of you will get LOTS of art work home. Some of you will get very little. Not everyone likes to be creative.
Cognitive/Intellectual Learning
þ Demonstrates an interest in using writing for a purpose
þ Uses known letters or approximation of letters to represent written language
þ Recognizes patterns and can repeat them
þ Shows understanding of different relationships of objects in space
Social/Emotional Development
þ Demonstrates ability to play independently
þ Demonstrates willingness to try new things
þ Uses planning in approaching a task or activity
þ Demonstrates ability to make choices
Creative/Aesthetic Learning
þ Shows creativity and imagination in play with materials and props
þ Creates drawings and paintings that gradually become more detailed and realistic
þ Preplans art project and then works with care
Physical Development
þ Uses writing and drawing tools with control and intention
þ Coordinates eye and hand movements to complete tasks
In circle time we read a book called ” Llama Llama Misses Mama .” Since we had already practiced the red balloon calm down technique at family time we discussed whether Little Llama could use the red balloon to calm down. Sure he can use the red balloon technique to calm down. I encourage you at home when your child starts to reel out of control to encourage them to try the red balloon or build a safe spot/ calm down spot at your home. They more we all do things the same the faster they will work for all of us.
Have a wonderful weekend.