Today was Wacky Friday in celebration of Dr. Suess Birthday today and the book he wrote called ” Wacky Wednesday” The kids were encouraged to dress wacky and boy did they ! ( I will post ALL my pictures on Facebook today .It is much more difficult to load them all here since the size has to be changed on each one . )
Even Randy and I got in on the fun !
And how could you resist a little boy dressed like this handing you a beautiful daffodil early in the morning ? Thanks Kimber ! I love it !
After everyone got here we came inside for breakfast. Can you say ICE CREAM FOR BREAKFAST IS WACKY? The only problem is I slaved to make a pattern with the pancakes to make a Dr. Suess hat and the ice cream upstaged my hard work ! 🙂
We played rhyming games today ! This card game has the kids picking out the two pictures that rhyme.
Then Daisy Head Maysie arrived and cooked red velvet cupcakes with the kids for a treat this afternoon.
The girls made the cupcakes and the boys iced them.
Do you know how hard it is to get the boys to NOT lick the spoon or their fingers while helping ? Danielle kept saying ” now, remember you are icing the girls cupcakes too so make them beautiful and don’t stick your fingers in them. ”
And for lunch – you guessed it ! GREEN EGGS AND HAM !
Other activities we did today were :
We made a list of GREEN foods that we eat and came up with 17 ! Brainstorming is great for kids. It can even help them in social situations to brainstorm ways out of trouble or solutions to a problem.
We graphed ( What does a graph do ? It compares things! ) ” Who likes green eggs ?” and who did not . We had MORE kids that liked green eggs than did not.
You can watch the video with your child of Green Eggs and Ham. Listen for rhyming words !
Here at the blue THING ONE AND THING TWO cupcakes waiting for their hair ! ( blue cotton candy. )
This is what they should look like when we serve them.
What a wonderful wacky day !