Today we had a new princess boat to play with in the water table.
For small group today we played Bears on Boats. I took the small counting animals and counted each animal as I put it on my boat ( block ) . Then I told I story about where my boat was going. I ” took away” 2. How many do I have now? The children then counted and put animals on their own boat . This math exercise was almost text book. Younger children would just count and not place the animals one by one on the boat. So , we talked about taking our time and touching each animal and saying one number. Children in the middle development stages of understanding math , did exactly as I said.
The children who have gotten counting down…. took it a step further and without being asked sorted them by color.
Or by animal.
After doing that Bears On Boats Activity we made boats out of aluminum foil. Will they sink or float? We tried it out in our water table. Most of the boats floated. We learned that if waters gets over the edge it doesn’t float very long.
And now… just some cute pictures of our day and our friends!
Have I said this lately? I love my job.
March 1, 2010
I REALLY LOVE THAT SONG!!!! I am SO making the kids sing that every time they go bonkers. And I hope Mr. Randy wrote that song! What a really awesome song! Pretty too.
I REALLY LOVE THAT SONG!!!! I am SO making the kids sing that every time they go bonkers. And I hope Mr. Randy wrote that song! What a really awesome song! Pretty too.
Randy didnt write it… 🙂