> The “musical ice cube ” game was one of the kids favorite activities today. We sat in a circle and passed an ice cube . When the music was playing ( the song HOT HOT HOT!) we passed the ice. When it stopped that person held the ice cube in their hands. After a while, as you would guess, the ice disappeared. We had a great discussion on where the ice went.
The next ice game we played was simple. Each child got their own piece of ice and we blared the music HOT HOT HOT . The goal was to see who could make their ice melt. As you can see from the video the children have learned something about science without even being told. It is something that we just ” know”. Movement creates energy and ” hot”. You can also see from the pictures that a couple got smart and took their ice cube to the light table. GREAT thinking!
Another thing we spent a lot of time doing today was cutting snowflakes. I sat at the table and showed them how and then they tried. Making snowflakes is not an easy task. Some were successful – some not so much. As a teacher it reminded me ( yet again ) that we need to spend more time cutting. Scissors are always out but not used as much as the other art materials. When we were finished Jaxson went and got the broom from the dramatic play center and started to clean. Wow.. he will make a great husband some day. I didnt even tell him to do it. Thanks Jaxson!
Today we read ” The Biggest and Best Snowman”. As I read about the two BIG sisters and the little sister, Anna said ” Ms Debbie! This is like the book ” The Bumpy Little Pumpkin.” YES! It is! The same author and same story line. Wow.. Anna. That is great recall from October.
T. I am taking my mother to chemo and Jodie will help Randy get the kids up from nap and get them snack. Thanks Jody.
January 5, 2010
Love the letters!! They look like they would feel nice in the kids hands. I think we will have to make a few of those. Great to see you guys back in full swing!! The Fireplace is looking very cozy 🙂
I totally forgot part of our day. We read the book " Polar Bear Polar Bear, what do you hear?" This book goes through many different animals and the kids were trying to make their noises. Some of them, like a flamingo, we didnt know the sound it makes. We got the lap top and looked up and listened to some of the animal sounds. It was interesting and the kids loved it.
Love the letters!! They look like they would feel nice in the kids hands. I think we will have to make a few of those. Great to see you guys back in full swing!! The Fireplace is looking very cozy 🙂
I totally forgot part of our day. We read the book " Polar Bear Polar Bear, what do you hear?" This book goes through many different animals and the kids were trying to make their noises. Some of them, like a flamingo, we didnt know the sound it makes. We got the lap top and looked up and listened to some of the animal sounds. It was interesting and the kids loved it.
Love the letters, absolutley love the snowmen, they are just precious!