>Today we took a little trip to the park to see trucks that work ! I knew they were doing some work down there and thought it would be perfect for our unit. The cat followed us all the way down there and back ! We had a lot of fun. It is amazing to see the growth in these kids over the year. And.. if you look at the picture of me , you see growth too. GAH…. another diet starting tomorrow!
February 20, 2009
Are you guys writing/singing new songs this year? Adam was singing and playing the guitar a song about Talula doing the hula. As soon as Todd and I heard it, we decided it was a Randy song! Very cute!
Are you guys writing/singing new songs this year? Adam was singing and playing the guitar a song about Talula doing the hula. As soon as Todd and I heard it, we decided it was a Randy song! Very cute!
Yes, Lula does the Hula in her grass skirt…. I see a grass skirt in my summer…. should look pretty scary!
how cool that Brian Kinder came to visit? what did you guys talk about? how exciting! I’m looking forward to the next CD by the way – any time soon??