This has been a very busy week. It seems there has been schedules and deadlines and visitors all week. We did have a couple parent visitors this morning . In the parent meeting I encouraged all parents to try to spend an hour a week in preschool. It helps you to know what we are doing and a couple extra hands for reading or playing is always helpful.
Mr. Leo or Ms Becky comes to play atleast once a week. I appreciate them so. You never know what you will find Leo getting into. What priceless memories Alina will have of her father playing at her school when she was little. Folks…. you will never get these days back.
When parents are here in the mornings for ” family time” they join right in. Here is Mr. Leo doing the calm down technique called the balloon.
Ms Melissa comes in often to play too. I love that we are such a relaxed home atmosphere. After being gone for a couple days for a meeting in Hot Springs she was anxious to spend extra time with Kaden. So glad we are the type of preschool that isnt only possible but encouraged.
The kids got some cutting practice today . They cut out faces which we will sort tomorrow . Cutting is a skill that will only get better with practice. While you are cooking set your child at the table with a magazine and let them cut away!
We are really emphasizing that many times our feelings and emotions are seen on our face. If we take the time to look at our family or friends faces as we talk we can read what they are feeling . After eating lunch the kids made faces on a cookie before eating it.
We did our first Weekly Reader today . I am not a huge fan but the kids love them.
One Comment
Marcella Bingham
September 26, 2013
When can I come play? I don’t know if Jim will want to or not but if so can he come play too?
When can I come play? I don’t know if Jim will want to or not but if so can he come play too?