>I worked all day with Jodie today. I have had business obligations outside of work lately and today’s TA was cancelled so I let Randy have some time off. It was really nice to work with a woman all day. The downside to that was – at nap time I didnt do what I normally do. I didnt blog , I didnt get notes ready that I wanted to send home. 🙂 It’s all good.
The note was about our Thanksgiving Feast next Wednesday. It is from 11-1 at the community building. You are invited and you can also bring family. Normally the kids do a couple songs and then we eat and you leave – with your child. It is just a little time to spend together. It is not a program at all . I cook turkey or ham and traditional stuffing and provide drinks ( Tea or water and milk for the kids ) You will sign up to bring side dishes like green beans, corn, rolls etc… The sheet will go out tomorrow and I would like to know by Monday who is coming and how many people will be with you and what you plan to bring . That way, I have a day or two to plan and fill in the gaps.
Today we make a little book that emphasized positional words like beside, under and on. It was a Thanksgiving book that would say the turkey is ” under the tree ” and the child takes his turkey and shows me where under .. is. I got this out of a mailbox magazine.
It was so chilly at lunch today ( and our bodies havent quite adjusted from the summer ) that we only went out for 30 minutes. I would like to remind you that ABC rules , which are based on best practice for children everywhere , state that there is no such thing as bad weather – only bad clothing. So, PLEASE make sure your child has clothing appropriate to wear outside and stay warm. If you think or have been told all your life that going outside when it is cold will make you sick – here is a good read for you ! CLICK HERE!
Devin (Audrey's mommy)
November 15, 2010
LOVE the second video 🙂 what great doctors they are!
LOVE the second video 🙂 what great doctors they are!
Debbie, this is SO funny! Thanks for sharing!