We came outside today after breakfast anticipating rain. I wanted to make sure the children got some outside time to play. During warm weather months many times we meet on the playground before breakfast. I had forgotten how much I love it.
There is so much learning that takes place when chikfee to n are given longer period of time to engage
It’s so interesting to hear the different scenarios the kids come up with. Today I heard family, superheroes , grocery store and so many more.
What kind of ice cream would you like ?
It’s also interesting to see the children that might not always play together form alliances and build their friendship
All the skills we can practice inside can be applied outside too
Gross motor skills are important. They help us gain core,balance and fine motor control. Did you know motor skills develop from the inside ( core region) out ? Tiny fingers are the last muscle to develop. Makes sense that running and playing helps a child later when it’s time to do big kid stuff – like writing.