As we continue to see where the children want to lead with our train project I had Holly set out the shape of blocks this morning to see if it would encourage train play It didn’t actually go as we had planned. One of the first children in the room ran across and disassembled the structure. 🤷🏻♀️ Will try again another dayAnother thing that I got inspired to spend some time on from conference is floor books. A big component of the Reggio Amelia Philosophy is documentation. We do documentation in the form of observations but not really the type that children can play a part in. With floor books the children can interact with the documentation. The children are beginning to be interested in our calendar. We have used it all year mainly for Countdowns to special events or birthdays. I had told the children that on the Monday of spring break our new storm shelter would be put in. As we talked about it again today Savannah announced that the storm shelter would arrive between the S and the P. Yes ! If you get a chance To watch our live feed of the children organizing a game of duck duck goose today you should. It was very interesting and fun to watch the children engage in it with each other and make up their own rules and figure out how to get along  Relationship building was going on all over the place today. ❤️ that’s what we do best.