Due to cold weather the week before spring break we postponed our leprechaun hunt. When I woke up today I had so many conflicting feelings. The leprechaun hunt is an amazing tradition at Bright Beginnings.
Our friend Tatum was returning to school today with a cast on his leg.
Would he be able to make it more than a mile walking ? Can he navigate the stairs and the hills ? I could pull him in a wagon but what would that look like going on storefronts as I do my best to keep 7 other children safe? A stroller would be easier ! If I were tatum would I want to be pushed in a stroller alongside my friends?
I decided to wait and observe tatums mobility.
Pretty quickly I decided the kids and I would need to talk to make the best decision. We gathered and talked about what might be challenging for tatum on our walk. I asked them to think like tatum. If your friends were going in a huge adventure would you be happy or disappointed to stay home and watch a movie or play with Randy ? As we all talked it was pretty clear what we needed to do.
Together we decided to not go in our leprechaun hunt through town. Thankfully we still had some shenanigans ready
We decorated cupcakes. ( and ate them )
We put on all our leprechaun hunt gear and low and behold !!
That leprechaun had hid some gold on our playground.
We still had the hunt. We still found the gold. We learned that sacrificing for people we love isn’t always hard and is the right thing to do.
One Comment
Andrea Harrelson
March 31, 2023
Love this! Thank you for teaching the children love and kindness for their fellow classmate!! Thank you for showing them how to do the right thing! I am so thankful that you are teaching my grandson how to sacrifice for others. ❤️🙏❤️
Love this! Thank you for teaching the children love and kindness for their fellow classmate!! Thank you for showing them how to do the right thing! I am so thankful that you are teaching my grandson how to sacrifice for others. ❤️🙏❤️