Last night I finally put up my Christmas tree. It was really hard for me knowing that most likely my family will not be here to celebrate. But I tried to be very intentional. When I took out an ornament I remembered where it was bought or who made it. Randy and I usually pick up an ornament on our travels so it was fun to do that together last night. He said “you know we’ve been a lot of places.” He is right. We are blessed. That made it such a wonderful experience to me no matter if it’s not seen my anyone. This year for sure will be different for many including us. I can remember years ago we used to have a big Christmas party/show at the community building.
Then we started hosting them at my church- they were huge themed parties like cowboy Christmas or Whoville Christmas.
We still have a few traditions around here. We still make many of the same ornaments that we make every year. I love seeing people post pictures of matching ornaments from siblings that were here years ago . I even found a few from when my granddaughter Geneviette attended preschool here.
What traditions do you have in your family? Do you have some that will change this year? If you have a traditional food or activity that you do with your family I would like for us to try to do it here. Can you share with us?