I have really stuck to consistent deep cleaning schedule since the beginning of the year. I feel so good about it. Certain days I focus on certain areas of my home and play areas to really deep clean.
Today was the day that I should deep clean the dress-up room. It can get a little overwhelming because that room has a lot in it. I walked in the room and set my bowl of sudsy water on the table. I had already added for rags. It just sit there. Within minutes one of the boys said what are you doing with that? I replied that I’m going to clean our room and our materials. Of course he said “can I help?” Then his friends decided to help too. Have you ever read Tom Sawyer ?
There are so many benefits to allowing children and encouraging children to help you clean. Not only does it foster a sense of well-being to be part of something bigger like taking care of the home but it also teaches responsibility. If they have to help clean a room they are less apt to let it get destroyed it again. It also teaches just general health and safety —- our things need to be cleaned once in a while. It’s great for the motor skills in the hand – think about the wringing action that has to take place when they take the rag out of the water bowl. It’s also helpful when it’s time to pick up the room if they’ve had to clean it and put it where it belongs then they know that spot. There are so many advantages to allowing children to help you clean.