It is difficult for young children to recall and describe what they did during the day. Children are active and busy for the entire time, but they sometimes lack the words to tell others about their activities – or by the time you pick them up they have moved on to other things.
Parents, of course, want to know about their child’s day . Here are a few ideas to keep in mind when asking your child about his or her activities.
Keep informed of our planned events so you can ask specific questions.
For example, Whose birthday did you celebrate today? ( No ones today !)
With most children, avoid general questions like what happened at school today ?
Avoid questions that produce one word answers.
Ask specific questions such as
-“ what did you play while you were outside today?”
Tell me about the art piece you carried out to the car.
Who did you play with the most at school today ?
Sometimes telling the child a little something about your own day starts the ball rolling. The child may get the idea of sharing use and feelings about his or her day. Of course reflecting on the pictures I post is always a conversation starter as well.
Some great questions for today would be:
The girls seemed to be playing a game all day and it involved a headband what was it?
I heard you laid blankets and sheets on top of the downstairs table. What were you doing?
What was the most fun thing you did outside?
What happened when Miss Debbie went inside to get lunch? ( smoke alarm )
If you start your children having conversations about their day when they were young hopefully that tradition will continue as they grow older .❤️