On Monday mornings the children sometimes need extra attention and love to get through the door and be able to start their day. As an early education teacher we just expect Monday mornings to be a little more relaxed. Even in our mode of relaxation there were lots of good things going on.
One example is the tubes that Scarlett’s grandpa gave us. We took one out to just look at it and examine it and decide what we might want to do with a large group of them. Before I knew it a group of kids were painting the one we had taken out
I heard things like” it’s my project and I can set the rules- you guys can mix the paint.”
There are always little side bars of learning going on when you look around the room. For example, I wonder why that brush won’t fit in that hole? I can take it and give the child a smaller brush or let them continue to work and figure it out. I wonder which I chose ?
You also hear children working out social issues. This is my new shirt don’t get paint on it. Well… It’s not a new shirt but I really like it .
In the end they decided the pool they were working on would be called a rainbow limbo stick and it was absolutely the most beautiful rainbow limbo stick I’ve ever seen. And then they played limbo.
I’m proud to announce today as we transitioned out of family time I asked each of the children to give me a rhyme and every child was successful. Later in the morning one of our first year students came up and said honey bunny that rhymes doesn’t it? Well yes it does. If you remember we did this primarily from songs, reading, and games.
–insert happy dance here —
And then there’s Scarlet asking me how to spell elephant.
All of these emerging skills show us our children are ready for kindergarten. A child cut out the heart and ask Miss Holly to help her write. Emerging and wonderful.