Today we spent some time making an ornament. At Christmas time we do cheat a little on being 💯 child led and product art. Some of my most cherished memories hang on my Christmas tree. Today we started our annual tradition of ornament making . I do allow the children to be creative and try my best not to “fix” what might look a little out of place. You’ll see the struggle when you look at todays snowmen noses .
Have you ever made salt dough ornaments at home ? They are super easy and last a long time. We made our first one today.
Did we add some literacy elements to our ornament making venture ? You bet !
We also continue to play with the evergreen branches Scarlett’s dad brought. Scissor practice is more fun when you are cutting twigs . Somewhere right now there is a three year old with a piece of paper with a copied tree on it for cutting practice. I hope it smells as good as our evergreens 🌲 !
We did go outside for a bit. There was tons of ice exploration outside. I called them ice scavengers. They found it. They touched it. They broke it. They collected it. They carried it around. ( I saw a couple even tasted it. We quickly had the “do you know where dogs pee ” conversation!)