So as you know we completed our color unit last week. I have seven weeks worth of documentation that tells me different things children are interested in but so far there’s no real common thread. As a teacher my job is to watch those things and introduce new concepts. So today I took a large pumpkin and sat it in the middle of the floor.
It was interesting to watch the children interact with it. The boys loved the powerful feeling of picking up the heavy pumpkin.
He said “ My Jose was itching .”
Many of them grabbed a magnifying glass and explored even closer.
I noticed later in the morning a measuring tape laying next to pumpkin .
Things I observed the children do – They sat on the pumpkin, looked at the pumpkin, rolled the pumpkin, touched the pumpkin, picked up the pumpkin and some of them just sat with the pumpkin.
I told them this week we will not open the pumpkin we will only observe the outside of the pumpkin.
We talked about the things that they already know about pumpkins .
It’s only natural that they are interested in pumpkins at this time because they are beginning to see them everywhere. They noticed my new fall decorations out on the porch today and that created a funny conversation about scarecrows.