I was so glad to be back in school today and the kids were too. We had a great time catching up with each other and the things that we had planned that we missed out on the other days we were out.
In circle time we read books about Christmas and Santa. One had a catch phrase AHHHH AHHH AHHHH CHOOOOO!~ THe kids loved dong that part each time we came to it. That type of text is called predictive text – the kids can predict what will happen or be sad next. It is a great pre-reading skill.
Mr. Randy read ” Twas the Night Before Christmas ” and the children practiced their little poem and songs. We usually have a large complicated show and for some reason this year I planned simple. I am thankful I did now since we have missed so many days singing together.
We worked on some keepsake ornaments that will be going home soon.
We celebrated Aiden turning 5 and wrote our letters to Santa . They were sent to the paper ( aka Valeri and VIvian’s dad ) this morning.
We played outside . The temp was 36 degrees and with the windchill it felt 31. ( Via the weather ap ) The kids loved it. Thanks for remembering that I have your child’s best interest at heart when it comes to any experience we have while in my home. I will not put them in jeopardy emotionally or physically.