Today in celebration of a great day with our Quality Review Specialist here we walked to Barnetts , the local dairyette to enjoy some ice cream. The kids really did have a great day yesterday and that ALWAYS makes our job easier .
Kat fell on the way down and scraped her knee. Ice cream makes almost everything better though.
We always enjoy walking.
While there we did see something that ties in with our unit this week on birds ! YAY! for unexpected educational opportunities !
We also played outside for a bit.
Had some fun inside before we left.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE seeing things like this impromptu fire pit that the kids made. They were talking about roasting marshmallows and telling scary stories. These blocks are from another room upstairs. When we limit the time kids have to play, the materials they have to exactly what WE think they should be used for and where those materials can be taken , we limit learning.
Andrea using stones painted with ABC’s to cook and serve a delicious meal to her friends.
Before nap time we did do circle time. If I don’t do circle time the kids REALLY call me out on it. I told them the story of ” The Lonely Crow.” It is from a BIG BOOK and only has one picture. Stories like this one are good for reading comprehension. After the story I asked them questions about it and then we filled out a 5 W’s chart. ( Gary , newspaper editor dad, aren’t you proud?) What didnt surprise me at all is that they could answer all my questions! Doing activities like this one also reinforces that putting letters to together makes words and words can be written.
( Don’t judge the writing it is hard to write on a paper that is on an easel especially when you are left handed… )
If you want to ask your child some questions about the story tonight ask them
Why was the crow lonely ?
Where did he want to go ?
What was the other animal that let him fly with them?
At one point he got very tired and what happened ?
How did he lose his tail?