Most of our time was spent playing today. There are lots of really wonderful things that happened during that play such as the amazing block structures.
While outside one of my friends came up to me and said “ Miss Debbie look at her face.” We talked through our friend being sad, and what we could do to help her, but I was so incredibly proud of this conversation. I can’t take complete responsibility for this child’s ability to use conscious discipline and notice other peoples feelings and adjust- but wow what a great moment it was.
At lunch today after reading a few books, I told the kids I want to talk about some of the things I’m proud of that I saw today. Of course I told the story of our friend that said “look at her face.” I also talked about some of our friends that don’t usually play together, including others. And off of that conversation, each of the kids begin to talk about things that they were proud of in themselves and their friends. If we can continue this practice of looking at ourselves and others, and noticing the amazing things that happen in our life, I feel like my purpose is a preschool teacher is fulfilled.