I’m not even sure if I’m required anymore to do developmental assessment. But I have done baseline assessment on children since 2008 and it definitely is best practice. So I do them
I do assessments of their motor skills like jumping , hopping, catching and writing.
I do a concepts assessment . During this time we look at shapes, words like “longest”and “shortest” and a few other foundational skills or knowledge.
We also do assessments on language – which is probably the most important piece. If we can catch a child early enough that has a speech delay we can get help for them in my home and it will make a huge difference in their academic success.
We will have parent teacher conferences to discuss the assessment but let me start out by telling you that the assessments done here are not the end all / be all. Children get distracted easily. Sometimes they just don’t want to do the assessment. They would rather play ( and who wouldn’t .)
But the assessments give me a good idea of what experiences your children have and what other things I need to offer.
I completed assessments on all the children that were present today. When the other four children return to school I will set aside a day to complete their assessments as well.
Doing assessments take up much of the day but we did manage to read a new book. It was so cute. 
And we had a tornado drill. ( I don’t talk a lot about tornadoes. Children can find them scary.) I simply say “ kids we need to go to our storm shelter to be safe .”