We read another book today from the Shubert series. This one was about a new boy coming to school. The children were so excited – but when he walked in he looked so different that they began to laugh and some of them even teased him . No worries, in the end the teacher Mrs. bookbinder handled the situation and help the children realize that even in their nervousness about the fact that he looked different they could still find a way to fix this and treat him better.
still start over and try again a different way.
This book brought up such a great conversation. Some of our friends are struggling a bit and having impulsive behavior. After reading this book we talked about it and one of our little friends looked at me and said “I’m sorry. “ And then he looked at his friends and said “I’m sorry guys.” 😭😭😭. Hazel smiled sweetly and said “ I accept your apology ,” 😭😭😭😭
Do you guys see how important this type of stuff is? Do you understand that this is so much bigger than the alphabet or the numbers ?
My heart is full today.
In the book Hubert created a special greeting for his new friend. Some of our boys walked around creating greetings too . It was pretty cute .