Children are not born with fine motor control. The process does being early, when infants and toddlers reach for and grasp objects. But development and coordination of wrist and finger muscles – necessary for hand writing later – Come slowly and require lots of practice.
Adults can help develop fine motor control by providing appropriate materials. Playdoh and Legos are two of the best materials.
One of the many skills learned through playing with Playdoh and Legos is the development of strength and dexterity in the hands. Simply through punching, rolling and shaping Play-Doh children develop strength in finger and wrist muscles.
Connecting Legos together builds hand muscles and the pincher grip, the touching of the thumb and the finger that is important for holding pencils, pens , brushes and other tools.
Playdoh and Legos are both open ended materials. Children can experiment with these however they choose.
These materials not only develop fine motor skills they also provide opportunities for practice and discovery of many math related skills.
Play-Doh can be made at home
Or purchased. Legos are a considerable investment but worth it. Both materials provide hours of enjoyment, many ways to enhance by motor skills, and great opportunities for intellectual development.