Tis the season… We started talking about Valentine’s Day today. It’s interesting that most of the kids think Valentine’s Day is for giving gifts.
We discussed that Valentines is a great time to show your love to people. What does that look like ? We read a book about being kind.
At almost the perfect moment
the doorbell rang and there stood Mr. Leo with a dozen donuts.
Mr. Leo had two daughters that came through Bright Beginnings and is Hazel’s uncle
Talk about an object lesson! Mr Leo and no reason to be Kind to us today but he was. ❤️❤️❤️
We also started making our Valentine’s Day cards . Every day will make a couple and then we will exchange them at our party
Today was a really great day.
I got so much material for learning stories in a short time this morning. It just seemed everything the kids did was exciting and full of growth.
Like the boys who had their own band and wrote a song.
Or When they sat here for almost an hour cutting out tiny piece of paper for tickets. Once the tickets were cut and punched guess where they could go ?!!
Or other tiny pieces of evidence there’s a holiday approaching
Or Anna – Who worked a long time on this sign she taped to the table that said “no one else can sit there.”
And this !!!
If you get a chance watch the live video of the kids learning about balancing! Some people have a tiny scale that’s red blue and yellow and will hold about three rocks. The kids can put tiny things in it to try to compare and work out terms like more, less, heavy and lighter. Here ? It’s a real life balance that they put together all by themselves. It’s pretty amazing. If you listen to their conversation while they are playing they really get it. This is a science lesson they will never forget. I don’t either. So proud of my preschool family.