This week we continue to look at colors. Many times children’s favorite thing to paint or color is a rainbow. I think because there are so many colors represented. It’s a perfect way to engage their natural curiosity
We started singing a new song today.
Red and orange, red and orange
Yellow, green, yellow, green,
Blue and indigo, blue and indigo,
Last comes Violet, last comes violent.
( to the tune of Are you sleeping ?)
I asked the children what violet means and most of them were aware that it’s a different shade of purple. I asked them what indigo means and no one knew. Do you ?
We stepped inside the storm shelter to make our own rainbow .
You can buy all the new toys in the world but if you have an empty box kids will always play with it first .
Naomi had an observation today. She said “Look , Miss Debbie. There’s the moon.” And she was correct !
Preston is having a hard time at school. He turned five the end of July and his teacher said nine days in that “ his talking to friends has gone on long enough.” If you ever had a conversation with Preston you would be amazed at his vocabulary. He is such a social little guy. My heart breaks for him. I tell you all this to say I’m even more determined to make sure your children enjoy their childhood and they’re allowed to play. I can still scaffold their learning and provide experience’s that challenge them to think. But for the short time they can run , play and sing- I’m gonna celebrate it ten fold.❤️