Hopefully you listened to my two vlogs yesterday explaining how I messed up. I have consequences too. My consequence was the feeling I had when I made a mistake in maintaining peace and safety in my classroom. It was not a great feeling.
There are seven powers in conscious discipline and one is the power of intention. Are you able to look at people and think the best? If you do then this method should be easy for you. When you look at your children instead of viewing their mistake as something terrible when they make a mistake see it as an opportunity to learn. Yipee!! My kid messed up today so I get to teach them something. What a wonderful and great responsibility.
Something else that’s important to know is that our brain thrives on feedback from other people. Feedback promotes growth and learning, intelligence and survival. If the feedback we receive causes fear the brain shuts down. Ultimately we want that little brain to continue to grow. Right !???
As I reviewed the consequences chapter of my book last night it said something that is even more profound to me today. I’d like for you to take a minute to think back on the mistakes you made in your life. What did you learn from them? I think as adults we can rarely say I made a mistake and learned nothing. So when children make mistakes, why do we not remember what a great opportunity it is to grow as a little human? The more mistakes they make now hopefully the fewer they will have later.
Also when we view mistakes or conflict as bad then we are labeling children. Sometimes labels are hard to outgrow . “If you ask children in a group who the bad children are they know – these children are excluded from friendships and ultimately bond together.”( Becky Bailey ) I don’t want the kind of family that labels children. We must do better.
Hopefully this helps you understand the power of intention and viewing mistakes as an opportunity to grow.
To give you some realistic examples I will tell you some consequences from today.
Me-You guys when we go outside if you get your hands wet it will be very cold and it will be uncomfortable.
Child with wet hands – Ms Debbie my hands are freezing.
Me- I see that. It looks like you got your hands wet. We will be going in soon
Consequence: Child was uncomfortable with wet hands.
Me- You guys we need to stop playing and eat. In five minutes I’m picking up the plates.
A few children played- Its time for nap. Lunch is over. You had plenty time to eat. Let’s put our plates away
Consequence: Child was not finished eating and missed some lunch . They may get hungry
Me- Putting the scissors near your mouth is not safe. use them on paper.
Child – scissors on arm in cutting motion
Me- Put the scissors away you may not use them the rest of the day. 
A while later child – I need to cut this .
Me- you were not safe with the scissors after a reminder you can try again. Tomorrow.
Consequence: child could not finish the art project.
Today at nap with same child from yesterday.
Me – You will have a great nap. If you struggle again and keep your friends awake you will loose your stuffie and move to the living room
Child. Asleep. ❤️
Other things that happened today.
We went outside in the snow !
We did our self portraits for February. ❤️
It was a great day.