Today I thought about some of the goals I have for the children. Probably the biggest concern for parents are those fine motor skills – so the more I get the children excited to practice them during normal play- the better. During family time today we talked about tomorrow being Halloween and what we might see tomorrow. The children mentioned masks. AHA !! I replied ” what if I set materials out on the table for us to make masks? Would that be fun? ” Of course it would be!
For quite a while children sat cutting, drawing, planning, and most of all having fun. 
We had to work out some problems like how do you cut the eyes out?
How do you attach the string? Can we just glue the string on the side? Oh, the string isn’t long enough to go around the back of your head – you might need to make it longer. Well goodness gracious, there we threw some math in there too.
It was another really good day. Sometimes I cringe when the time of year sets in that it gets harder to get outside for extended periods of time but with this group I have no dread. They are so very good.
Of course there are many other things going on besides masks.
Castles were being built
Natural sorting was taking place.
And let me tell you about these girls. Have you ever been to Puzzle Hell ? 😳
It’s a real thing and it usually takes place in the beginning of the year. The three-year-olds want so bad to be able to put puzzles together but lack the skills to make it happen. So basically they dump the puzzles out and then you spend your time putting them back together. It’s actually a nightmare. There’ve been a couple days this year that I’ve had to tag out and let Holly take over. But when you allow them to go through this process time and time again – guess what happens? Eventually they are successful. When they start to master working puzzles that’s all they want to do. They do the same puzzle over and over. They race putting puzzles together .
So, basically what I’m saying is we have officially survived puzzle hell season. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂