When you look at today’s pictures you might think – – wait… last week before Easter she didn’t have bunnies and eggs out. Today, the week after the Easter holiday – she has all the Easter swag. Hey DEB! You are running a week behind ! Get with the program. 🙂 If you stop and think about it.. many of our holiday units ( if we addressed them at all ) happened AFTER the holiday . If you are truly a child emergent curriculum program ( you follow the children’s lead ) then many times the study of a holiday comes AFTER the holiday when the children have previous experience . In other words, unless the family is making hoopla about an occasion it may not occur to the child to be interested until after. As suspected the children came in today talking about the Easter bunny leaving things at their house or the egg hunts they attended.
Some of the activities available today were sorting colored bunny butts ( pom pom balls ) into colored baskets. Pulling numbered carrots from the grass and we added a little color to our pictures of the bunnies we drew earlier last week.
But you know my favorite parts of the day ?
Watching children blossom and gain confidence . Check our Milas song on FB today. It was wonderful.
Rani was slow to be interested in writing . She would rather be playing dress up or having a book read to her. Today she decided on her own to paint her name. Research tells us that all children develop skills in the same order but at different times. ( Look at me spouting facts from my child development class like a pro. ) She painted her name without pulling her cubby card to copy. We waited on HER to be ready without force, tracing sheets or constant practice and on her own she is ready just in time for kindergarten.
We must trust the process of developmentally appropriate practice.