Today was Dr Suess’ birthday . Why oh why do I cave to peer pressure ? Why do I feel the need to go along with society and dive head first into things that do not mesh with my preschool family philosophy ? My oldie parents know that Dr. Suess books are not my favorite . Let’s start with — they are just too LOOOOOONGGGG. I mean 40 pages filled with words is not appropriate for 3 and four year olds. Maybe it can work one on one at bedtime with mom or dad but in a classroom with distraction even if you have the voices of many to entertain…it is difficult. There . I said it again. I do not like Dr. Suess. Dallas was giving a wonderful rendition of ” Fox in Socks” today and one of the little girls said ” Why are there just silly words and he isn’t telling a story ?” Yep. I agree little one . I agree. It is an amazing fun rhyme filled book but for my age group we can play rhyming games all day without having to sit and listen to a book that lasts forever and makes no sense. Whatever… I have a cat in the hat costume. I have had big Dr . Suess parties. I asked the littles yesterday who Dr. Suess was and they had no clue. I feel justified in toning down our celebration a little. We read a few books . We cooked green eggs and ham. blah.