Today was one of those days as a preschool teacher that you look around and listen and go ‘ Ahhh.. This is how it should go. ” We had a busy hum of activity as children moved from one activity to another today. You know there are some programs that tell their children where to go. They even have a little bell to ring that tells them when to rotate. I can explain why WE don’t do that .
Research tells us that children tend to go where their interest are and where they ” learn ” best.
What happens if a child has reached a new level of difficulty in the block center and the bell rings to move ? I interrupted the persistence he has to complete his task. What is your favorite thing to do when you have time ? Let’s say it is to read a book. You just got to the best part of your book and you are totally engrossed in what happens next and someone comes up to you and says ” Time to move on. Put the book down. I think you would like to paint.” What ? That is how children feel when we force them to leave an activity they are engaged in and choose another activity. This is why some of you never see paintings that your child does. Boys especially are more gross motor driven and prefer blocks or cars. We do try to encourage them when they are not engaged in a center to try something different. That is why as a teacher it is so important to know your littles and where they play. If they are ALWAYS in the block center we know we have to get some literacy in that center. Math comes natural in blocks. Literacy has to be added by helping the kids to make sign documenting what they are building or drawing a plan.
Today we talked about families again. How can I be helpful to my family ? ( You will notice that children ( especially 3s ) tend to just repeat that their friend says.
How many people are in my family ?
I am gonna preach twice today. Sigh…
Can we talk about food again ? Who’s child gets in the car every day and says ” I am hungry ?” I know this way of eating ( fresh whole foods ) is new to many of our littles. It’s hard. There was a time in my life that I had a rotation of chicken nuggets , corndogs and french fries on my kids menu. I am not saying those are ” bad ” foods. I am choosing to help these little guys start healthy eating habits. It takes time . Studies show that a new food sometimes has to be introduced 12 times before a child will eat it. Some of our littles flat out refuse to try a new food – even things like oranges or cheese . I have said this before ( this is in my mom voice ) if you 1. Leave here and get your child junk food since they are ” starving ” they will never begin to try new healthy options or 2. Always give your child alternate foods at your dinner table – they will never try new foods. What CAN you do ? You feel bad because you know they don’t ” like ” the foods we are serving ? Start a basket in the fridge and out of the fridge with healthier options for home. When they are hungry instead of grabbing empty calories ( crackers, cookies, chips, ) have them grab something that will benefit their body . Let them get a small healthy snack to hold them over until supper time. ( Remembering also they were just offered a healthy snack at 2 pm. ) I know it’s your family. I know what you feed your child at home is your business but guys.. we are giving them 2 out of 3 major meals at school. They need to know that it’s important to try healthy foods . In most cases when we strongly encourage them to try something new they taste it and end up liking it. Can you partner with us to raise healthier kids ? I don’t want them to struggle with weight issues their whole life like I did.
Ok. Ill stop.
We played with the Peppa the Pig Family
We bathed a pretend baby.