We started out the day with a Dr. Suess book since it is his birthday. Please don’t stone me but I may be the only preschool teacher in history that is not a fan of Dr. Suess for three and four year olds. The book I read today was over 60 pages. Do you know the theatrics and voices I had to pull out of my hat to keep the children engaged for that long ? Lord -a – mercy it is not easy. The book we read was called ” I wish I Had Duck Feet.” The book is perfect for our theme this week. It just happen to be in our box. It is a cool and funny book but by the time I finished the book I wished I had duck feet too.. or the twenty minutes it took me to read it back.
I decided we were going to play the rhyming game today and try to rhyme everything we said all day . Our kiddos are actually quite good at rhyming. It seemed like a good idea until I remembered how many times I would read or say the word duck….