To celebrate Arkansas Children’s Week today we walked downtown to KLRC and recorded the ” Pledge of Allegiance ” to be aired soon. We walk past KLRC a lot . We love to push the button on the outside and make the music come on. The kiddos did a great job.
We took a different route down today. We went down the trail to Mount Olive and then down the side walk. Walking the side walk down the hill over the bridge always makes me nervous. Our rule is we put one hand on the cement wall and walk single file. The kids did a great job. Its the cars that drive so fast past us that scare me. If I see a group of children walking I automatically slow down. I guess thats just me. We walked back our old way and that felt much safer.
In circle time today we talked about houses and did a math activity . We counted the numbers of windows, doors and lights in each room.
Today was Izzy and Eden’s turn to visit Northside for lunch ! We got to see Clara’s brother Will !