It was good to be back at school today. I took time to talk to the kids about where I went yesterday and what I did. I showed them pictures. They loved the pictures of the Capitol . I showed them a picture of a HUGE chandelier that hangs on a 7 foot chain. Tessa said ” like ours.” The kids have a chandelier that I made from a lamp shade with fabric scraps and beads. Gotta love em.
We finished up the talk to turtles as pets today and made a turtle. Its actually quite cute !
We read the book the foolish turtle. Before reading the book I asked what ” foolish” means and no one had an answer. After reading the book about the turtle who thinks he can go faster if he takes his shell off they all knew exactly what ” foolish ” means.
Our pet we talked about today was a spider. When Randy and I travelled doing concerts I sometimes would tell the story of ” Junior.” It is a story about a little boy that gets up early one day to go on an adventure. Long story short he comes to a tower and climbs it . As he gets near the top the rain starts coming down and his hands slip down. He climbs into a hole or tunnel and reads a story and eats his lunch and falls asleep. When he wakes up the sun came up. He came out of the tunnel and the sun had dried up all the rain so he continued his adventure and went back up the tower. Do you see where this is going ? The itsy bitsy spider !!! Here is another version much like the one that I tell.
We also watched a short clip of Wild Krats. This cartoon told real facts about spiders. For instance, did you know a spider eats his web and recycles it ? He doesnt have an unending supply of web. I didn’t !
We made a room size web that we all could climb through .
Our schedule got a little wonky today so Mr. Randy entertained us with his guitar for a bit .