There are many kinds of cats . Would they all make good pets ?
What about a lion ?
What about a tiger ?
What do cats eat ?
The kids helped make their own lunch today. They mixed up tuna salad . Most of them ate it and enjoyed it !
In small group we looked at a picture of some pets in dog houses and beds and talked about the position words in and out.
We also played a game with a little puppet kitten who lost his mitten . This game took us basically through a color assessment. I was excited ( but not surprised ) to find out that most of the children knew every color in the game. Only three children stumbled on the color gray .
Speaking of gray… I put a picture of a dalmation near the easel in hopes of seeing someone paint one. I didnt see a dalmation all day but I did see some color mixing. What two colors make gray ? Black and white !
I can’y say enough how much better our year is going now. I am able to slow down and really enjoy the kids and the little things they do and say. Here’s two from today.
Child: Why is the step moved ?
Me : I moved it when I mopped last night.
Child: Did you hit your head ?
Me : No.. why ?
Child: When you crawled under there to mop.
And then a child crawls up beside me and whispers in my ear.