Today we had fewer children here than we normally have .
It was a perfect day to work on the concept ” fewer.” Fewer means less than the others. We played a game called Pampered Pooch. There would be two cards with items the dog was shopping for. One might have three leashes and one might have six leashes. The child would count each card and determine which had ” fewer ” and place it on the pampered pooches shopping cart. We played this game one on one – me and one child at a time so I could also assess their counting skills. They did AMAZINGLY well ! Most of them got ” fewer ” right away !
In circle time today we talked about what we know about pets. We wrote down things like dogs, cars, you can have them, lions etc…. At the end of our unit we will pull this chart back out and see if we still agree with everything we said we know about pets.
One of my former preschoolers who is now a 1st grader took the opportunity to come by and read to us today. Lyndee did a great job and the children say quietly and listened to her.
We played outside for over an hour. What wonderful weather we are having for January !