The Little ( but not so little ) Engine That Could
I am moving around a little better today. Another massage this morning before going in to the chiropractor and I am upright ! I still hurt a little but the pain is not horrible. The hardest part for me is bending over to help zip coats or tie shoes and walking up and down the stairs. Today at nap time VIvian asked could I cover her up and I explained that my back is hurt and I cant bend over to the floor but that Ms Dallas was on her way around the room to help. Tiana , in the same room heard me and said ” well.. atleast youre up !” True story…. true story. I am feeling better and I hope that light I see at the end of the tunnel isnt a train.. unless its the Little Engine that Could reminding me I can do it .
Today the kids were immersed in all things transportation. They made and read ( and colored ) an emergent reader book . They graphed how they got to school today and talked about more and less.
There were new toys out on the table from our transportation theme box.
They played with a HUGE train track set that is only taken our for times like this. It was such a popular center that we had to time that center so everyone could get a turn and still not everyone did.