I was in a transition conference at Northside today so I wasnt here most of the morning. Dallas and Randy held down thr fort and the kids played and they still got much accomplished from our lesson plan.
Yesterday we read a book called ” I love..” Today we made a classroom book called ” I love..” and the kids filled in the blank and illustrated their paper. We got many different answers from ” my mom ” to ” lollaloopsy dolls.” The papers were quite colorful and it made a fun book to read. The kids love reading their own creations.
We went for a walk looking for green growth. We learned from our WISE curriculum that the farmer covers up his berry plants with hay or straw. I showed them an example as we pulled the mulch back and new bulbs were beginning to break through the earth ready for spring. Then we played on the playground and had fun on the ice and snow that still remained.
In circle time we looked up close and tasted some blue berries that were fresh and some that were dried. The idea of the lesson was for the children to understand that fruits ( and veggies ) can come in many forms . I also had blueberry syrup but we will try that on something later in the week.
I am out for more transition conferences tomorrow but we still have a full day planned.