We spend a LOT of time doing fun things that promote literacy. That is just who we are. We read and tell stories all the time. We also count a lot – we count when we wash our hands, we count when we go in or out the gate, we count many times a day. To make sure the kids have their pre-math skills we have to be a little more intentional . Todays small group was a math game with wheels. Each child had a laminated card that had trucks on it with a number written below. They had to put the correct number of wheels ( black dyed macaroni wheels ) in the space.
Another activity we did was patterning. These kiddos ROCK at patterning. I am not talking just the simple ABABAB pattern I am talking complicated patterns like ABBCAABBCA . They loved this and kept asking to do more. I loved watching them as we looked at the chart. It was like you could see their little brains working .
In circle time we read books . We even read an old teacher made book that had Bianca, Fernando’s big sister in it. She came here when she was 3 and 4. Now Bianca is in the 3rd grade. We also charted ” When I grow up I will drive a… ” We got some really fun answers like helicopters, moms car, and a bus!
Ty and Harelly made up a game with a colored VW BUG game that I have . The idea was to match the colors but they turned it into a GO FISH type game. I love this for so many reasons.
A large part of the kids morning was spent talking about a make believe birthday party. Sometimes we discourage that talk because inevitably someone gets left out. We’ve all heard ” You cant come to my birthday party.” But today was different. The kids were excited moving from room to room planning and making invitations. Even I got invited !
Next week will be a busy but a fun week. I can wait !