Today I was a rebel and we sorted gummy bears. Yes, they have sugar and artificial food dyes. YIKES. But the kids loved it and we were able to review colors and math skills like sorting, and using words like more , less, most and least. Most and least are the words that the kids struggle with more than others. If you can find ways to use them at home, that would be helpful.
We read the book the “The Mouse , The Red Ripe Strawberry and the Hungry Bear .” After reading I asked them what real bears eat and they gave me three answers. 1. Honey. 2. Fish and 3. Strawberries. I asked them how we could find out what else bears eat. They immediately said on the computer. I agreed but reminded them that when I was a little girl computers werent so accessible and we used books . So first we took a book with real bears and looked for the answers. We found a few ! The kids noticed how large the bears paws were and how sharp his teeth looked. We even saw a bear in the water looking for fish. Next we took the IPAD and we searched ” What do bears eat ?” We came up with a whole list ! After our research the kids were able to tell me 5 more things that bears eat than they knew before. Learning how and why we use technology in the classroom is important. Our world is practically run by computers. Can you imagine when these little guys are in college ?
Since we have learned that bears hibernate during the winter months , today the kids pretended to hibernate in a man make ( teacher made ) cave.