Thanksgiving is over and we are 18 days away from our Preschool Christmas Program. You know what that means… we get in high gear learning new songs and making little ornaments that if they were made my anyone other than your child you would never hang on your tree. ( A suggestion – what some parents do is have a small tree in the child’s room to hang the wonderful homemade ones on so they dont clutter your fancy tree. Or suggestion 2. One day these ornaments will mean so much to you and to your children. I still have Addam and Danielle’s from their time in preschool and love them. When they got married I packed them up to go to their first tree in their new home. It was one of their wedding presents. )
Today we did a little Christmas tree math. The trees had numbers on them and the children placed the correct number of ornaments on the tree.
We played.
We went over the songs in our program for the first time. ( Plan now.. December 20th is our program. It is at 6 pm at FBC and the kids will wear PJ’s. Earlier that day, since it is our last day before school lets out for Christmas break, we will have our traditional polar express party. The kids wear PJ’s that day to school. I would NOT suggest planning on them wearing the same PJ’s all day. We always always have a hot cocoa spill or two! )
We went outside. Arkansas really confuses things for a preschool teacher trying to teach that winter is coming and the animals are preparing for cold weather when we can play outside without our coats on.