Today we started a ” I am part of a family ” unit. It was interesting to hear the kids say who they thought was in their family. Is it the people that live in our house ? Does our family extend beyond the walls of our home ? We teach that we are all a family as well.
Today has been a hectic day with Ms Dallas gone. She isnt feeling well and I had 3 conferences with the CO- OP . Mr Randy was a trooper and jumped in to help.
Over the weekend our yard was covered in yellow leaves. Today we took the opportunity to use those yellow leaves to do a little art project. We incorporated some math into the project as well. Each child hit the playground with the goal to find 10 leaves . Most of the younger kids just grabbed a handful of leaves and brought them to me. I took the time to help each child count out their leaves to 10. Counting is a skill we use every day we dont always verbalize that skill . One way you can help me with your child’s education is counting at home. I dont mean just rote counting as high as they can go , most of them can do that up to 20 . ( We sing it in a song! ) What I mean is when you hand them crackers or grapes, ask them how many they want and help them count them out. So if they say 5 you lay one cracker down and with each cracker you say the number . Doing this helps them realize that each number stands for one object – one to one correspondence.