This week the kids are energized more than I have seen them. I dont know if it is the weather or what but wowzers they are all busy. Busy isnt a bad thing . Four of them had a dance party before 8 am today. Yes… that’s what I mean by busy.
In small groups today the kids used non- standard measure ( number tiles ) to measure their little patients. This activity is good for working on many of the basic math skills like number recognition.
The kids also read a book about dentist. Has your child been to a dentist yet . It is generally recommended that a child be seen by a dentist by the age of 1 or within 6 months after his or her first tooth comes in.
We also read the Weekly Reader. I didnt order these last year. I am always hesitant. It is the control freak in me. Each week or every two weeks we are talking about a certain theme. The crazy , though well intentioned , Weekly Reader folks do not send out their mail outs according to MY theme… can you believe it ? The kids do love them though and the learning in them is credible , so I ordered them this year. Sometimes there are little activities on the back that are not real age appropriate for group setting learning so you might want to check it out and see if this is something you can do with your child at home.
In circle time we read the story of Shuberts Power of Love. This is one of the books that goes along with out conscious discipline techniques we are learning. It was so cool to read it today and be able to help the children remember if something that was happening to Shubert has ever happened in our classroom. Nine out of ten times it has. Every preschool program everywhere has the same issues. Do you know why ? Three and four year old children are all developing skills and hit road blocks along the way that they dont know how to handle. That is where we come in as teachers. Not to judge. Not to label but to love and to guide. The book was about a little boy in class that the kids called names. Some thought he was mean and others thought he was a bully . Shubert encouraged them to look at him in a different way. Maybe he doesnt know how to ask for a toy. Maybe he doesnt participate in circle time because hes watching you and learning what to do. The power of positive intent – seeing the best in others.
On the table was a new shape matching game today.
We had a special treat today watching our community helpers in action. The city workers showed up with three trucks to pick up the large items neighbors had placed by the road. They used a large claw to pick up a chair and we watched them drop it into the truck. The children applauded after each pick up. The city workers were the heros. Very cool to be a part of that .
I love seeing the activities you do. The children in your care are blessed to have you.
Thanks Susan !