This fact that the kids were CRAZY today had nothing to do with the fact that Randy and I left at nap time. Really…. 🙂
No, serious. My nephew’s little baby girl was born 4 pounds 14 ounces and she didnt do so well during the night. I had already planned to leave after the kids got settled and leave Randy and Dallas here to go check on Amelia Grace. After I realized that the kids had spring fever I decided that sticking around a while was probably my best option . The kids weren’t bad and disobeying , they were just very loud. They were very busy. I think we are all ready for Spring. Even outside you could sense the chaos as we watched the kids run from one thing to another yelling and laughing and having a good time.
Inside we read ” One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue FIsh.” That is a LOOOOOOONG book. During one of our slow downs today we did a math activity with fish crackers and a sheet . The kids had to put the correct number of fish into each bowl. Afterwards they ate the fish. Pretty sure they loved this activity.
For snack today the kids had blue jello with red fish.
Another book we read was ” Yertle the Turtle.” The kids were given the option to sit and listen and do a craft or free play. They normally LOVE crafty things. Today, five chose to sit and listen and craft.
One of the high points today was at nap time. As I changed clothes to go to Tulsa I could hear a sweet voice drifting from the playroom. It was Ms Melissa singing a lullaby on the stairwell. It was so beautiful. The sound and the thought of someone loving our kids that much made me smile from my toes to my head. Thanks Ms Melissa for being you. I am a singer also and I have never thought of doing that. I might see a new routine making its way to Bright Beginnings. I mean, we are a family of singers. What do you think Ms Dallas, if we are gone and Ms Melissa isnt filling in could you bust our a tune or two ? 🙂
Tomorrow we complete our Dr. Suess mania week. Hopefully your child has been rhyming some at home making up nonsense words and real ones too… whew. Good night.