Wow… today we had mommy power all over this house. Tiana’s mom Mikkeala is still helping us find our name cards before breakfast – SUCH a great help.
Today was Dallas’ day to hang out and help us. ( She will usually be here on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. ) Dallas has such a big heart for the kids. She is excellent at following their lead and their interest but still maintaining control and following classroom rules.
Becky , Alina’s mom came to day to play also. She was such a good sport. At one point she had 5 or 6 girls all around here and they were all dressing to go to a party. If they handed it to her and ask her to wear it… she tried. Thanks Becky , you were amazing !
Then there is Miss Mellissa. Mellissa recently took a job as a HIPPY instructor. She goes into home to teach children with their parents ! She is now trained to assess children using one of the approved methods for Arkansas Better Chance . Today she stayed and did our kiddos assesments ! WOW! Usually since I also have to be in and out of the classroom it takes me a week. SO VERY thankful Mellissa ! We will have parent conferences in October and we will go over the assessment findings . The assessments give us a base line of where your child is and helps us sets goals for the year.
That was FOUR moms here helping today ! I think each of them would tell you there is no such thing as too many hands to help or laps to be used for reading.
Thanks Mommies.. you are the best. I am blessed.
One of the table activities we did today was rolling playdoh to cover our name on a piece of paper. We are all about our names this week and the letters in them.
We have had a really great day . It was busy.. but busy is not bad. The upside to that was every child is sleeping peacefully right now.
” There must be a profound recognition that parents are the first teachers and that education begins before formal schooling and is deeply rooted in the values, traditions, and norms of family and culture.” Sara Lightfoot